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2004-11-27 - Remember when I started a diary?

Okay...so, my first entry. I feel like I have to be witty already. What am I supposed to write about? How about the reason I'm starting a diary? That sounds good.

You're probably thinking, "Great...another random person with their diary all about their life that they felt they needed to share with the whole world. As if anyone's going to care. As if this one is somehow going to be any different."

Well, you seem pretty cynical! Cheer up, my friend. Not everything has to be brand new to be meaningful or interesting. Besides, I'm not doing it for you and it doesn't matter if anyone or no one reads it (though it would be cool to entertain some people in the process). Why am I doing it? Here's why:

Quite often I'll be talking to a friend and they'll refer back to a mutual experience that we had (usually funny, often embarrassing for me personally). Out loud I respond, "Oh yeah!" and have a bit of a laugh. But inside I'm thinking, "What are they talking about? I kind of remember that...did I really do that? I can't believe I did that!"

Usually I have some sort of a vague recollection of the event they're referring to, but there are never many details. For me, this diary is a chance to catalog some of the events of my life (some details included) so that perhaps one day I can laugh a little more knowingly, rather than uncomfortably.

Also, I'd like to remember some of the lessons I learn along the way.

Do events in your life have any meaning to you if you can't remember them later? Maybe...maybe not. But just for fun I'd like to see what it's like to remember them a little better.

> Lesson Learned (or Remembered) <

It's good to remember the lessons you've learned.

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

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